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Tag Archives: Peru

Peru – Rząd dąży do zmiany prawa dotyczącego hazardu online

The Minister of Economy and Finance (MEF), José Arista, announced that the government is looking to modify Law 31557, which regulates the operation of online gambling. “The Executive Branch will propose a regulation to Congress amending Law 31557 to regulate elements necessary for the application and collection of taxes on remote gaming and sports betting,…

Peru – Wysokie zainteresowanie nowo uregulowaną branżą gier hazardowych online

During the first 30 days of the enforcement of Law No. 31557, which regulates the operation of online gaming and sports betting, 145 authorization requests were submitted by both national and international companies to participate in online gambling. Additionally, 144 affiliated service providers were registered, and 7 international certification laboratories were accredited. These providers have…

Peru – tytuły Booming Games zarejestrowane na rynek peruwiański

Dostawca treści iGaming, firma Booming Games, ogłosiła oficjalną rejestrację w Peru, otwierając drzwi do zwiększonej obecności w Ameryce Łacińskiej. Firma uzyskała teraz zezwolenie na dystrybucję swoich treści wśród operatorów w Peru. Oznacza to, że peruwiańscy gracze już wkrótce będą mogli cieszyć się popularnymi tytułami, takimi jak Burning Classics, TNT Bonanza, Cash Pig, Buffalo Hold i…

Peru – FAZI uzyskuje licencję na gry online w Peru

FAZI has strengthened its presence within the South American entertainment market by acquiring an online games supplier license from the industry-regulating authorities in Peru. The move allows FAZI to further reinforce its position and deliver its innovative, award-winning products in an area known for some of the world’s most passionate iGaming fans and customers. Entering…

Peru – Otwiera się okno rejestracji online

The window for companies interested in operating online sports betting and casino games in Peru has opened. Companies offering online gaming and sports betting services had to submit their application for authorization to operate online under the terms of Law No. 31557 and have until March 13 to register. Minister of Foreign Trade and Tourism (Mincetur)…

Peru – Rise in popularity of sports betting leads to match fixing bill

Congresswoman Susel Paredes presented a bill that would make match fixing a crime according to news agency EFE.  The initiative was presented by the Cambio Democrático-Juntos party with Paredes as the main author of the bill. The aim of the bill is to fill a current gap in Peruvian law as it is only considered…

Peru – Merkur Gaming Peru świętuje swoje 10-lecie

Merkur Gaming: spółka zależna niemieckiej grupy Gauselmann obchodziła niedawno wraz z klientami, partnerami biznesowymi i pracownikami 10-lecie swojego peruwiańskiego biura. Przedstawiciele Zarządu Grupy Gauselmann byli także obecni w Limie, aby uczcić sukcesy ostatnich dziesięciu lat. Aby stworzyć niezapomniane uroczyste wydarzenie, Merkur Gaming Perú zaprosił…

Peru – Wchodzą w życie nowe regulacje dotyczące internetu

The Ministry of Foreign Trade and Tourism (Mincetur) has finally approved the regulations of Law No. 31557 which regulates online gaming and sports betting. Head of Mincetur Juan Carlos Mathews, welcomed the news saying that the new regulations put in place “a cutting-edge standard” which would provide improved player protection measures. The new regulations will…

Peru – Sektor detaliczny potrzebuje jasności co do nowych przepisów dotyczących gier hazardowych online

The Association of Winemakers of Peru (Asociación de Bodegueros del Perú) has requested that the Minister of Foreign Trade and Tourism (Mincetur) provide it with more information regarding its new rules over sports betting and online gambling. The organisation says that it needs to know if its own suggestions, which it put forward during the…